

I sat there quietly listening to him screaming from the other room.

He’d been wailing off and on for hours but I was tired and didn’t want to deal with him at the moment.
I sat up as the sounds softened to a low sob and rose off the sofa, slowly walking into the bedroom and stared at him with no emotion whatsoever.

I felt dead inside. Seeing him there, tied to the bed, covered in blood, a pickaxe burried in his right knee…there was no pity or emotion. I bore many scars…some on top of each other from his years of relentless torment. He had killed everything in me therefore his suffering meant nothing to me at all. His eyes widened as he saw me and he began screaming again, calling me every foul name he could think of but it had no affect. I sighed as I picked up a large meat cleaver and as I raised it slowly over his right calf he began to cry. I looked at him as he quietly whispered “Please…please Katie”.

“Please? How many times did I say that to you and you never stopped?” and my eyes glazed over as the blade fell.

queen of hell 4

The Queen of Hell

 unrequited reapings

pick up a copy of my new book on Amazon available in paperback and for Kindle



there are pieces of my heart

still wedged between your fingers

when you clawed it out of my chest

I feel like such a fool

I fell for it all

your lies and deception

I hope it was worth it

I hope you can sleep at night

because no one will ever love you

the way I did

queen of hell 4

The Queen of Hell

 unrequited reapings

pick up a copy of my new book on Amazon available in paperback and for Kindle



I love the feel
of steel
the sharpness
as it flows
across your flesh
the brightness
sanguine fluid
beautifully red
your milky white
chest heaving
your blue orbs
your last breath
music to my ears

queen of hell 4

The Queen of Hell

 unrequited reapings

pick up a copy of my new book on Amazon available in paperback and for Kindle



there’s a skinny girl in here
deep down inside me
I know she’s there
I’ve seen her before
but it’s been ages
I don’t let her out
it’s been years
since she’s seen the sun
she gets a peek out the window
a small glimpse
of the outside world
how wonderful it is
but they don’t like her
those voices
those delicious, wonderful voices
chocolate hates her
ice cream won’t even acknowledge her
pizza says there is no way
she loves me more than it does
so she stays hidden
the locks on her cell shut tight
quietly waiting for her release
she’ll talk to me occasionally
sometimes she cries
but I can’t hear her right now
the fried chicken is calling

queen of hell 4

The Queen of Hell

 unrequited reapings

pick up a copy of my new book on Amazon available in paperback and for Kindle



all those little reminders

old messages


pictures on my phone

now they’re gone


I don’t need anything


to remind me

that you forgot about me

queen of hell 4

The Queen of Hell

 unrequited reapings

pick up a copy of my new book on Amazon available in paperback and for Kindle



where were you

when I needed you

when I was going under

the weight of the water

pulling me down

my hand outstretched


finding nothing

as I descend into darkness

queen of hell 4

The Queen of Hell

 unrequited reapings

pick up a copy of my new book on Amazon available in paperback and for Kindle


creepy 10

I’m so hungry
I can’t remember
how long it’s been since I’ve eaten
I almost feel ill
my stomach is aching
and here comes the dizziness
I can barely even stand up
I’m really not sure
how much longer I’ll last
what is that smell?
that delicious aroma…
where is it coming from?
my head isn’t very clear
foggy in fact
I can hardly focus
and my vision is so blurry
but that scent…
so mouthwatering
so close
ahhhh there it is
I found it
it’s ok
don’t struggle
it will all be over soon

queen of hell 4

The Queen of Hell

 unrequited reapings

pick up a copy of my new book on Amazon available in paperback and for Kindle



There are times I still cry when I think about you and how good things used to be.

And then I just want to slap myself for being such an idiot knowing there’s probably no way you even give me a second thought anymore.

Someday I’ll get over you.

Someday may never come.

Queen of Hell 3

The Queen Of Hell

 unrequited reapings

pick up a copy of my new book on Amazon available in paperback and for Kindle


darkness 1

she has no idea
where she is
the lonely roads
on windblown dust
her feet
by the many miles
occasional lights
in the distance
like a beacon
she can never reach
the loneliness
is overwhelming

queen of hell 4

The Queen of Hell

unrequited reapings

pick up a copy of my new book on Amazon available in paperback and for Kindle


creepy 34

I sit here quietly contemplating
barely breathing
my fevered brain
trying to decide
which road to travel
the age-old battle rages on
deep inside me
like a demon waiting
screaming to break free
her secret machinations
there is no silence there
I long to break the chains
loose her on the world
but such catastrophic consequences
horrifying atrocities
would surely mean my end
and not every person here
is as evil as she says…
or are they?
could she possibly
be telling the truth?
do they all secretly wish
that I would die?
are they all plotting
to kill me?
I have seen Him
the one you call Death
that lovely sweet fragrance
of nightshade
permeating the air
a regular visitor
to this place of nightmares
He has no want of me
not yet
the world is still waiting
for my bloody masterpiece

creepy 39

The Queen of Hell

queen of hell 4

pick up a copy of my new book on Amazon available in paperback and for Kindle

unrequited reapings